Three little things which make your social media look unprofessional

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Is unprofessional the right word here? Partly, yes. But it’s more than that – there are a few little “tells” which undermine the credibility of your social media streams from

Buying followers for social media: the Pros and Cons

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Buying followers for social media: the Pros and Cons, and what you need to know
Companies selling instant Follower or Liker boosts have been around almost since the dawn of social

Are you a B2B marketer? You need to get this piece of code on your website RIGHT NOW!

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We’re not going for suspense here: the piece of code in question is the LinkedIn Insight Tag. It’s very powerful, and likely to become more so as time goes on.

Marketing Metrics and Madness: be careful what you wish for

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Despite the huge improvements in metrics available to us these days (for digital marketing, at least) the old adage about “50% of your marketing budget is wasted; you’ll just never

A reminder: Social Media is not a “marketing tool”!

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There’s no let up: the “10 ways to get 20,000 Instagram followers” articles are replacing the same ones for Twitter, advocating similar techniques. A whole new batch of small business