Buying Twitter Followers / Facebook Fans: Does it work?

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Twitter followers and Facebook Likers for sale?

The thriving underground economy around buying Twitter followers and Facebook Likers was highlighted recently during the US elections, when Mitt Romney’s Twitter base expanded

The number one problem with social media

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As we work through a strategy and tactical project plan with our clients, there’s almost always a moment where things go a little quiet.

The attraction plan for building an audience

Is Social Media Marketing growing up?

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It’s that time on a Thursday afternoon where we all need to stop for a good cuppa. I’m going to spend mine talking here about a discussion we often have

How to improve your Google rankings through Social Media

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Google rankings rule the world
You’ve just moved to a new area where you don’t know many people, and you need to find a good local shop selling curtains. Or you

That new social networking site – Do you need it?

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Hardly a month goes by without “the next big thing” in social networking being launched. It seems only yesterday that Quora was about to take over the world, then it