Facebook cracks down on clickbait headlines

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Fed up with seeing those blatant clickbait headlines in your Facebook news feed? You know, the “this cute kitten / starving puppy was attacked/ rescued / cuddled by a baby

Why everybody* hates LinkedIn**, and what they could do about it

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*Almost everybody. Click-drones in spam-farms and obsessive seekers after vast networks of people who don’t care about them, don’t count.

** Maybe “hates” is too strong a word, but definitely “finds

What is LinkedIn?: The basics for businesses

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Last week, Claire presented to members of the Cambridgeshire chamber of commerce on the subject of social media and its implications for HR professionals.

Of all the social media platforms, it

Facebook Pages vs Facebook Groups – what’s right for your business?

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In today’s post, we’re going to look at the REAL differences between using a Facebook Group and using a Facebook Page for your business. Not just what Facebook says about